The connected parent mastermind

Become the Parent You Want to be!

"Just wait until they become teenagers!"

You probably hear that all the time as a parent.

But those of us who have had small children know that the entire journey is fraught with difficulty.

But what if there was a better way? A way without the constant strife? A way without the pulling-teeth punishments and pandering rewards? I can say this with confidence because I've experienced it.

There is a better way.

The Modern Parenting

Formula = Stress + Overwhelm + Unhealed

If you're struggling at the parenting thing, you are not alone.

I still consider myself a recovering control freak, yeller, and perfectionist

That's because parenting is freaking hard.

Testimonial name

Founder - Company

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Become the Parent You Want to be!

"Just wait until they become teenagers!"

You probably hear that all the time as a parent.

But those of us who have had small children know that the entire journey is fraught with difficulty.

But what if there was a better way? A way without the constant strife? A way without the pulling-teeth punishments and pandering rewards? I can say this with confidence because I've experienced it. The is a better way

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In 2012, I started feeling like my relationship with my daughters was becoming hardened.

And I knew it wasn’t their fault.

Since I couldn't control my inside world, I thought if I controlled everything and everybody on the outside I'd feel better inside.

But that wasn't working.

My girls were slipping away from me.

When I looked at myself in the mirror, I knew that it was up to me to change the pattern or it was going to get worse.

At long last, I finally decided punishments and rewards were not for me. I decided to give up my controlling ways and try something totally different.

The only problem was: what do I do instead? How do we function without bribes? How do I get the teeth get brushed and get the kids to go to bed?

Little did I know, it was all in the idea of connection. Connection was the missing key.

I discovered that connection actually brought cooperation.

All along, the commonly-used tactics of rewards and punishments that I desperately thought I needed had only made things worse.

This May Not Be For You

  • This is for the busy parent who has it not just as a top priority, but a MUST for improving their relationship with their children (which means changing their approach) RIGHT NOW before the relationship sours.

  • ​If you’re more committed to the reasons why you don’t have time, money, or... for enhancing your relationship with your children.

  • If you’re comfortable with your parenting and everything’s going perfect, this probably isn’t for you.

  • You’re devoted and bought into using punishment & rewards vs. connection, this won’t be for you.

  • ​If being feared and respected is more important than loving and connecting with your child as they mature, then this won’t be for you.

“I’ve learned so much! But the encouragement of grace for ourselves and our children is something that resonates with me! Thank you for offering all the things to help us on this peaceful parenting journey!"

- Magen

“Because of you, I learned to just not take it seriously when my daughter yells she hates me or she’s upset with me. Inevitably minutes later she apologizes and reassures me that I’m amazing and I don’t hold onto that shit at all, my lack of negative reaction allows her the space to just be, feel, and grow. You’ve made it so much easier to parent to the best of my ability and I just feel so happy about it. Daughters are the best.”

- Merricat E.

“I’ve learned that connection is almost always the answer and special time is KING! You’ve helped me become a much more empathetic mother and a better listener for my children. Thank you Michelle for always being so supportive and sharing all your wisdom.”

- Kiran

Parenting Is An Endeavor In Changing Your Behavior, Not Your Child Or Their Behavior.

It’s not about:

“How I can get my child’s behavior to change? How I can I get them to do what I want them to do?”

It’s not about rewards and punishments.

There’s a bigger idea, a more important picture: a deep bonded relationship.

We have to be the mature person in a relationship with a maturing child.

So Who Are We Looking For?

  • You really want to have a connected, loving relationship that grows and develops as your child develops.

  • You’re willing to be real about where you’re messing up as mom or dad (we all are!)

  • You’re open and willing to try out new parenting styles.

  • You’re looking for other like minded parents


Why now? Is now the time?

You’ve waited long enough. Time is slipping away on your opportunity to build the relationship you want with your child.

My background and the results I’ve seen:

I've helped THOUSEN of parents transform the ways in which they view parenting and children.

I've been working with children and families for almost three decades (and been a mom myself for over 17 years).

I have countless incredible testimonials from parents who I found out were going through exactly what I went through.

I've even been featured as an Expert for many years
on ABC, NBC, Fox News, and tons of other News & Podcast outlets.

As Seen In

The Connected Parent Mastermind includes:

  • Access to Our Resource Library: chock-filled with downloadable worksheets and other resources made to naturally reinforce our lessons

  • Weekly Accountability & Support Calls: here, we’ll dig deeper into your personal situation and track your progress in real-time

  • Weekly Q&A answered : our certified coaches will answer your specific questions.

  • Weekly Video Lessons: digital lessons that are packed with practical connection tools that you can use at home – they’re sent to your inbox every week

  • Personalized Feedback: to ensure mutual accountability it taken and that you’re making the kind of progress you’ve strived for

  • 1 Year Access to ALL Program Materials: don’t worry – you won’t ever lose access to any of the relationship-saving materials you get from this program for a year.

You'll Also Get These Amazing Bonuses

Connected Parenting

Connected parenting can move behaviors and help keep homes calm and manageable. What is the method and how can we apply “connection” to our everyday experiences with our children? With this guide you'll get the key components of connective parenting.

How to Have a

Shame-Free Home

There are ways we can eradicate shame from our everyday interactions with our children. Building in ways to address our children can promote resiliency and self-esteem rather than jeopardizing these precious commodities for our children. Nobody wants to shame, but sometimes we need a little help figuring out what else we can do

Healing Ourselves

Through Journaling

Healing Ourselves Through Journaling is not another handy parenting tool. It's a powerful in-depth experience. In 6 insightful steps, you'll found out how to take responsibility for your reactions and feel proud of yourself and your child.

What will you Learn/Experience

  • The Brain Science behind Parenting with Connection

  • How to use Empathy and listen to Big Feelings

  • Why Special Time is so Special

  • Limits instead of Punishments

  • Play as a tool to connect

  • Why does a child’s behavior go off-track/sharing

  • How to Gain Cooperation without manipulation

  • How to tame sibling rivalry

You may be wondering?

  • Can I really become that loving connected parent when I feel so out of control?

  • Can I afford this? Will my spouse support it?

  • What will other friends or family say about me when I stop punishing my child?

  • Is it too late to change my relationship pattern with my child?

  • How do I stop self-blaming, hate, and sabotage?

  • How to navigate difficult co-parenting/partner dynamics?

  • Can I undo the damage I've caused?

  • ​Is it too late to change my relationship pattern with my child?

“I would be here all day if I explained everything that has happened for us since starting the course. Completely different directions with each child but I’ve learned so much about each of them as well as myself.”

- Jacqueline R.

“I’ve learned it’s ok to not be ok..and that I am not alone in this…it gives me a new opportunity to be a better me and a better mom.”

- Meg S.

My 1-1's go as high as $7,500 currently which is unfortunately not attainable for many parents, plus I am over booked and on a two month waiting list.

Hence the Connected Parent Mastermind.

You’ll learn the same material I share in my 1-1’s at a fraction of the cost, plus you'll get more community & connection which fosters growth and we’ll spend more time together over the 10 weeks.

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