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The Yelling Cure!

How to Parent So Kids Listen

After the event you will have a better idea as to where your yelling comes from, how to practically deal with it and ways to implement some of the tenets of connective parenting in order to stamp yelling out on every level. 


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  • What if you could decrease or even eliminate yelling?

  • What if you could respond with connection instead of raising your voice?

  • What if yelling was a thing of the past and a more centered approach to parenting became your default?

Yelling is something that happens, it isn’t what we want to do and we don’t set out to yell at our kids. Nor do we want a home full of yelling.

We will talk about the detriments of yelling, why they are ineffective and how we can make changes to make yelling a thing of the past.


This is designed to help parents, parents of children who are stressed and stretched too thin. Parents who are sick of yelling themselves and who might even have kids who have started to yell back. It doesn’t matter what age your child is, because yelling is a parent issue. We have all been there, yelling when things get tough but not because we want to, but because we do not know what else to do!

This event is for the parent who asks 10 times and then ends up yelling and for the parent who yells because sometimes it works but it doesn’t feel right. This is for our hardworking parents that want to do better for their kids and for themselves.

Nobody wants to be the shouty, yelling mom or dad. I know I didn’t! It’s been the bane of my existence and I have worked hard to extinguish this nasty little habit. Let me help you too!

Here's what you'll learn


Alison Grimley, one of my amazing Peace and Parenting coaches, will look at the psychology and psychological effects of yelling on your kids. She'll share some powerful mindset shifts that will help you stop yelling and better understand how perspective and thoughts impact the way we show up and connect with our kids. She'll provide you with tools to create awareness around your internal dialogue and ways to change that dialogue so yelling is no longer a go to response for you.


We will hear from one of our Peace and Parenting. Community members. He will illustrate his journey from disconnection and control parenting into more connection and calm. Our lovely parent will share his insights, his hard work and how it looks for him and his four kids now as opposed to how it looked when he used yelling and control.


Lael Stone will be joining us all the way from Australia to help us explore what causes us to yell and the Imprints we receive from our own upbringings around anger and emotional awareness. She will also help us look at the complex relationship we have to processing our own feelings, getting our needs met, and modelling healthy ways to navigate conflict, cooperation, and connection. She will help you understand your patterns and how we can shift them to be the parent you want to be.

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